
 Self sustaining Youth Program

The soul is perfected by knowledge and virtue. Happiness is secured through virtue; it is a good attained by man's own will. 

St. Thomas Aquinas

Youth Ministry should be about creating Leaders for Christ. This program will train 11 and 12th graders to evangelize and lead youth group nights. They will learn to run the virtue program and or youth group clubs.

Livin U will come in for 2-3 months. The first Month will be training the leaders. The second month a. Livin U team member will lead the virtue program. The third month we will let the leaders lead the virtue program giving feedback and suggestions. We will do monthly check up to see how the program is going.

Youth Group Clubs

Mind: This is where the youth who learn by reading or being lectured. An example of this would be have the topic on the Eucharist and the lessons will go in depth and not your typical Sunday school lesson on the eucharist. Discussions can be any topic that will benefit the youth.

Body: This is where the youth who learn by physical activity. They can work out or do some type of physical activity. 

Soul: This is for youth who live doing spiritual activities. An example of this would be having a holy hour or pray the rosary.